Monday, January 16, 2017

Jezebel: The Evil Queen and the Spirit of Evil

Queen Jezebel of the Kingdom of Israel

The Bible is not only home for women of great courage and beauty. Throughout history, there were some evil women found in it's pages. Delilah, the harlot who betrayed Samson the judge of Israel is one of them. She used her charm to trick Samson into revealing the source of his great strength. But no woman is more wicked than Queen Jezebel. She is the wife of King Ahab, king of the Kingdom of Israel. She and her husband did evil in the sight of the Lord, instead worshiping Baal the False Idol.

She and her husband has always been in conflict with the only remaining prophet of the Lord, Elijah. Because of the sins of the people of Israel, there has been a drought in the Kingdom of Israel, Only Elijah, a widow and her son found favor before the Lord and lived through the drought. When Elijah won the contest on Mount Carmel to determine who is the real God, the drought ended.
(1 KINGS 17-18)

This displeased her, and she wished death upon Elijah ( 1 KINGS 19:2). Elijah escaped and was rescued by the Lord. She was also guilty of murder, as she plotted against Naboth and had him executed through treachery for refusing to sell his vineyard to King Ahab. There Elijah gave his prophesy against King Ahab and Queen Jezebel: namely that the dogs will lick his blood as the dogs licked the blood of Naboth, and Jezebel's body will be consumed by the dogs in the walls of Jezereel (1 KINGS 21). They both came true.

But years after her death, it seemed that her spirit lived on. There is an evil spirit named after her: the Jezebel Spirit. I have watched videos and read about it. It is an evil and dominating spirit. It wishes to dominate the man over the woman. Those possessed of this spirit are mostly women who are very strong willed. They do not want to be under the man but instead be above him. This is true as Jezebel subjugated her husband Ahab. She wants to be the one in control, and she will get what she wants to get what she wants no matter what. It is said that most women have this spirit in them, but they don't know it yet. It is a very dangerous spirit.

Brother and sisters in Christ, I am not being a sexist here. I myself had an encounter with the Jezebel spirit when me and my wife fought before we got saved. It was like she was not my wife, but a demon. she does not know what she is saying or doing. Only my prayers were able to bring her back. If you know somebody who has this spirit, pray for them. There is a video link to this topic:Spy Kitten: The Jezebel Spirit:                



JANUARY 16,2017


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