Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sarah, Hagar and Mary (Earthly mother of Jesus Christ)

Hi! Welcome to my next blog which I focus on the different women of the bible. The purpose of this blog is to examine the different roles of women in the bible. Again, this is based on my own personal view and with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I know most of you will say that I should have started  with Eve, but I felt compelled that I start with these two women (or three). Why you ask? Because there is a contrast between these two women. Again, my comparison here is with the biblical Mary. Also, I will try and use the bible in this contrast. Lastly, how does this apply to us. I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that he opens your eyes to this truth.

Let's start with the first women in this topic: Sarah. In Genesis Chapter 16, Sarai (still her name at that time) bare her husband Abram (who will become Abraham) no children. Thus she suggested that his husband go into her handmaid, Hagar, an Egyptian slave, to have children. When Hagar got pregnant, Sarai was despised in her eyes. So she sent her away, but an angel of the Lord told her that she would need to go back and submit herself to her mistress. In Chapter 18, as Abraham stood in his tent when 3 strangers came by to his place. He begged for them to stay, wash their feet and eat the food prepared by him. When one of the strangers asked where his wife is, Abraham told him in the tent. One of the strangers told him that during the appointed time that he returns that Sarah will have a son. She heard this but she did not believe it, because she and her husband are already old. She laughed at the news. The Lord then said why is she laughing, that what is impossible for man is possible with the Lord. She then denied that she laughed for she is afraid. True enough, Sarah bore Isaac at her old age. Isaac had sons, Jacob and Esau, and with Jacob's 12 sons the nation of Israel was established.

Let us then look at the other woman in the bible: Mary. In Luke 1:23-38, it tells the story of how the Angel of the Lord came to a virgin espoused to a man from the House of David which is Mary. The Angel of the Lord told her that she will be pregnant with the Holy Spirit and will bring forth a son, and will call him Jesus. The Angel also told him that he will be the Son of Man, and that God will give him the throne of his father David. He will also rule in the house of Jacob forever. Mary was surprised by this news, but the Angel also informed her that her cousin Elizabeth will have a child in her old age. The Angel also told him that nothing is impossible. Mary's reply was "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word".   

How does situation apply to us? Sarah took matters into her own hands when she didn't have children. She didn't wait for God's promise. When she heard that she will have a child at an old age, what did she do? She laughed. She didn't believe in God's promise. Because of this mistake, we now have one of the most lasting conflicts between the Arabs (Ishmaelites) and the Israelites (Jacob). Mary on the other hand took the news first with fear, but after hearing the Angel of the Lord speak, accepted it with gladness. Her child grew up to be our Lord Jesus Christ, who after dying on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, rose up again and ascended into Heaven. Soon he will return to rule as King and the last judge of this generation. For me, Sarah and Mary are both great women, but Mary had more faith in the Lord's word and was an obedient servant. Again, this is not written to bring Mary's reputation up over Sarah, but a reminder to us believers one thing: With man it is impossible, but for God all is possible.

God gave us our little Angel Pia after 6 years of marriage. I was already 41 years old when we had her. Just like Sarah, we prayed to saints to have children (we were Catholic before), but to no fruition. We even gave up and just said that it's just fine if it's just the two of us. Then God gave us our little Angel. She is going to be 2 years old now, full of energy and smiles. We should have trusted in the lord more at that time and not do things our way.

In closing, we should all be handmaids of the Lord, willing to follow his will like Mary did. She in fact remained a servant of the Lord, a picture that will always remain with me (not that Queen of Heaven image), becoming one of the saints in the end of her life. Like they say," Not my will but thine be done".

May Jesus Bless You


October 6,2016     

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