Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rebekah, the Mother of Israel and the Pharaoh's Daughter, Mother of The Deliverer of Israel

Rebecca at the well
I would like to focus next two women who became great mothers. These women became important in the history of the Jewish people. They have unique roles but have one thing in common: like the previous two women: they are mothers. But not just mothers. They are mothers of two of the most important persons in the bible. Let us start with the first one: Rebekah

Rebekah is the wife of Isaac, Abraham and Sarah's son. She was chosen by the servant of Abraham since he does not want his son to marry a Canaanite woman. We all know how they met. But the most important role of Rebekah is raising her children:Esau and Jacob,specially the latter. In Genesis 27, when Isaac waxed old and his eyes can't see, he called his oldest son Esau to cook his favorite food, venison stew and after that he will bless him. When she heard them, he called his younger son Jacob and told him of her plan. She will cook the stew and with the use of the skins of the goat, Jacob will be covered with it. So Jacob was blessed by his father by deceit from Rebekah. When Esau heard of this, he threatened to kill his brother, thus he was sent to Laban her brother.

Moses and the Pharaoh's Daughter
Now, let's look at another biblical mother: The Pharaoh's daughter. After the death of Joseph and his siblings the Israelites grew in number and prospered in Egypt. The new Pharaoh feared them, thus they were placed in bondage. In Exodus 2: 1-10, we know the story of how Moses was saved by the Pharaoh's daughter in the river. She had compassion on him as he cried when the basket was opened. Her sister approached her, and told of someone to nurse the baby. The Pharaoh's daughter agreed, and the child grew to become her son. She named him Moses, which means "drawn out of water". We all know Moses grew up to deliver the Israelites out of the land of Egypt into the land of Canaan.

The story of these mothers mirror our mothers' love for us. They followed God's will, and was able to raise two of the most important people to the Jewish nation: Their founder, Jacob, in whom his twelve sons became the foundation of the nation of Israel, and Moses, who delivered them out of the bondage of Egypt towards Canaan. Some of us may argue about them, saying Rebekah used deceit in getting Isaac to bless Jacob instead of Esau, but that is not the case

In Genesis 25:22-23, " And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord." " And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger." Also when Jacob was born, he was holding Esau's heel. She followed God's will.

Pharaoh's daughter just has a very short mention in the bible, but her compassion toward Moses gave the Israelites a savior. She became his foster mother, and Moses became the second Israelite to be at the service of Egypt, the first being Joseph.

In closing, all mothers should follow God's will for their children. They should ask God for guidance in raising their children. We may never know, that the child you raised today will be used by God to preach his gospel to sinners, converting them back to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!!!

May Jesus Bless You,

OCTOBER 18,2016  


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