Thursday, November 10, 2016

Deborah-Judge of Israel

Deborah and Barak

Before the monarchy came into Israel, they were ruled by people that were called Judges. They were people that were anointed by the Lord to be their protector. Since possessing the land of Canaan, the Israelites were told by God through Moses and Joshua not to worship foreign gods. But the Israelites didn't heed God's word and came to worship foreign gods   In turn, God gave them to be subject to foreign kingdoms. When they cry out to God, they were delivered out of the hand of their oppressors.

The most famous Judges of  Israel are Gideon and Samson. One from being a coward to redeeming his people and the other for his great feats of strength. The bible however, mentions of only one female Judge: Deborah.

When the Canaanite King Jabin, king of Hazor and Sisera his captain who oppressed the Israelites for twenty years, they cried out to the Lord God. Deborah, the wife of Lapidoth was a prophetess and the Judge of Israel at that time. The Israelites came to her for judgement. She then sent for Barak, son of Abinoam, to take ten thousand men from the children of the tribes of Napthali and Zebulun, and go to Mount Tabor. They will meet Sisera in the bank of the river Kishon. Barak only agreed if she will accompany them, and she did, but she told Barak that the victory over Sisera will be in the hands of a woman. Thus they went. Sisera and his chariots and men met Barak and his men in the Kishon river. God then delivered Sisera and his men to Barak, all of them falling by the sword, with only Sisera escaping,only to be killed by Jael, wife of Heber when he fled from the battlefield. The combined armies of Israel was able to subdue King Jabin, and thus peace reigned in the land for forty years.The Song of Deborah and Barak tells of such events.
Judges ( 4-5)

The story of Deborah shows that women have the capacity to lead and become leaders not just in times of peace but even in times of war. Leaders like Elizabeth I (England), Golda Meir (Israel) and Margaret Thatcher (UK) all lead their countries at the time they are at war. It just showed women can be like Deborah, who was granted victory by God and made the land peaceful for forty years. She is the only female judge. May this post remind us that it is not in gender but in his graces that we can do many great wonders.


NOVEMBER 10,2016                

Friday, November 4, 2016

Naomi and Ruth- A mother and her daughter-in-law

Naomi and Ruth

Let's face it. Our relationship with our in-laws are not always the best, Since they are relatives of your wife or husband, there are times that they don't go along well with us. There are points that the parents-in-law don't like their son or daughter in-law, resulting in a conflict and a rift in their relationship. Some argue that they only look after the general welfare of their own children, and not his or her better half. This is one of the most stained relationships that we have. I have to admit, me and my wife have our fair share of this.

But the Bible tells us one of the most beloved stories of in-laws: that of Naomi and her daughter-in-law, Ruth. Naomi,her husband Elimelech, and her sons, Mahlon and Chilion went to the Moab since there was famine in their land. Her husband died, and her two sons married Moabite women. They stayed in Moab for ten years. Then her sons died, leaving her with her daughters-in-law. Seeing nothing there for her in Moab, she decides to go back to her land.  She then told her daughters-in-law to go back to their families and find themselves a new husband. One of her daughters-in-law, Orpah, followed her command, and left her. But Ruth didn't and she told her this" Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me."
They return to Bethlehem, just in time for the beginning of the barley harvest. ( Ruth 1:1-22)

Ruth then gathers barley that is left behind in the field of Boaz. When his workmen tried to scold her, Boaz then came by and asked her about it. She ten told him about the situation with her and her mother-in-law. Boaz then asked her not to go to any other filed, and and get as much as she can. He also advised the workmen not to scold her. When she got back to her mother-in-law, she told her of his name and she recognized that she was their kinsman, by her husband Elimelech. Naomi was joyful of the news, and even told her of how she can be close to Boaz. So one night, as Boaz was drunk in the thresing floor Ruth came by and slept at his feet. When he awoke, he saw that Ruth was at his feet, and asked he a question, to which she replied "am Ruth thine handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman". Boaz acknowledged her as a kinsman and even gave her six measures barley to take to her mother-in-law. Then Boaz came to a kinsman, and told him if he was interested in purchasing the parcel of land of Naomi, wife of their kinsman Elimelech. He also told him that if he purchases the land he should also purchase Ruth, the Moabite woman and widow of the son of Naomi. Boaz's kinsman was interested in the land but not at Ruth, thus he let Boaz purchase the land as well. Boaz purchased the land and took Ruth as his wife. They had a son Obed, who Naomi placed in her bosom and became a nurse unto him. As we all know, Obed is King David's grandfather. ( Ruth 2-4 )

The story of Naomi and Ruth showed the kindness that was shown by a daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law. Though not related by blood, she took care of her and resided by her side. This made me reflect my own relationship with my parents-in-law. I was never a different person from them. Though there were times that I didn't think very well of them, they never did the same for me, treating me like their very own son. I pray to God for forgiveness for all the transgressions I did to them, and to them to forgive me as well. I can always remember how happy they were when our daughter Pia was born, that my mother-in-law carried her in her bosom as Naomi did.          

This piece of the blog is written to my dear parents-in law: Nestor Espiritu and Jocelyn Espiritu. Thank you for all that you have done for me and my family. I will pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to increase your grandchildren, and give you a longer life to see your grandchildren grow. As you both grow old, I promise you that my household shall take care of you. This I swear by the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.





Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Harlots in the Bible- Tamar and Rahab


Tamar and Judah

Harlots or prostitutes have no place in our society. They are women who trap men with their charms to have casual sexual relations with them. They are considered to have a very low class standing in society. Even before Jesus Christ came into the world, prostitution has been existing. Some may think about what drives them to do these things. Is it really out of need, or is there something else. Of course, the Holy Bible tells us of such tales.

First, the story of Judah and Tamar : Tamar was married to Judah's eldest son Er. Since his eldest son did wickedness in the sight of the Lord, he was slain by him. Since she was not with child, Judah then then sent his second son, Onan, to be her husband and raise an heir. Since Onan knew that the child will not be his, he spilled his seed on the ground. This angered the Lord, and the Lord smote him also. Judah then told his daughter-in-law to remain a widow and dwell in his father's house until his youngest son Shelah, has grown. She obeyed him. When Judah's wife died and he was comforted, he was to go down to his sheep shearers. Tamar heard of it, and she took of her clothes of widowhood and wrapped herself in a veil, and waited on the road by Timnah. Here, she saw that Shelah was all grown up, but was not given to her. Judah thought that she was a harlot and asked to come into her. He promised to give her a kid, and asked for a pledge from him: his signet and staff. He agreed and he came unto her, and she conceived by him. After that, she took off her veil and wore her clothes of widowhood. Judah then sent the kid to be taken to her, but she was nowhere to be found. Three months after that incident, Judah was informed that her daughter-in-law committed harlotry and was pregnant with that incident. He sent after her, but she made an appeal to them that she is pregnant with the man who owns the signet,bracelet and staff. Judah knew that it was his, and told the people that she is  more honorable than him, for he did not give his son Shelah to her. She then gave birth to twins: Pharez and Zarah. (Genesis 38:1-40).

Next is the story of Rahab and the Israelite spies: Rahab was a harlot living in the city of Jericho, the land that was promised by the Lord to be given to the Isrealites. Joshua then sent spies to the land of Jericho. They went to Rahab's house. When the king of Jericho was informed, he immediately sent soldiers to Rahab. She told them that they came there, but did not know where they are. She has hid them on the roof covered with flax. When the guards left, Rahab told them about the prophesy about Jericho, that the Lord will give this land to the Israelites. She told them also remain in the mountains for three days until their pursuers leave. She also requested that she be spared and her household on that day. The spies told her to leave the scarlet cord that she used to let them down, and to gather her household on that day. On the day that Jericho fell, the spies went and rescued Rahab's family, and they dwelt with the Isarelites in that land. (Joshua 2: 1-24)

In the genealogy of Jesus, both the names of Tamar (Matthew 1:3) and Rahab (Matthew 1:5) were mentioned. It is fascinating to us that they are included in his ancestry, since they are not worthy woman. But the bible tells us something, that even out of something that is not pure will come something good and great. Jesus didn't come from people that are perfect, but also came from imperfect people. God does not look at our sins, but if we accept him as our savio and repent, then we can be redeemed. Both Rahab and Tamar committed harlotry, but was redeemed by their actions. We are also reminded that our God is a loving God, that he gave his son Jesus Christ to ransom our sins, so that harlots,murderers,fornicators,robbers, publicans and all that have sinned be washed clean by his body and blood. And with this, comes new life in Christ. May we learn from their stories.

May Jesus Bless You!!!

OCTOBER 20,2016  


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rebekah, the Mother of Israel and the Pharaoh's Daughter, Mother of The Deliverer of Israel

Rebecca at the well
I would like to focus next two women who became great mothers. These women became important in the history of the Jewish people. They have unique roles but have one thing in common: like the previous two women: they are mothers. But not just mothers. They are mothers of two of the most important persons in the bible. Let us start with the first one: Rebekah

Rebekah is the wife of Isaac, Abraham and Sarah's son. She was chosen by the servant of Abraham since he does not want his son to marry a Canaanite woman. We all know how they met. But the most important role of Rebekah is raising her children:Esau and Jacob,specially the latter. In Genesis 27, when Isaac waxed old and his eyes can't see, he called his oldest son Esau to cook his favorite food, venison stew and after that he will bless him. When she heard them, he called his younger son Jacob and told him of her plan. She will cook the stew and with the use of the skins of the goat, Jacob will be covered with it. So Jacob was blessed by his father by deceit from Rebekah. When Esau heard of this, he threatened to kill his brother, thus he was sent to Laban her brother.

Moses and the Pharaoh's Daughter
Now, let's look at another biblical mother: The Pharaoh's daughter. After the death of Joseph and his siblings the Israelites grew in number and prospered in Egypt. The new Pharaoh feared them, thus they were placed in bondage. In Exodus 2: 1-10, we know the story of how Moses was saved by the Pharaoh's daughter in the river. She had compassion on him as he cried when the basket was opened. Her sister approached her, and told of someone to nurse the baby. The Pharaoh's daughter agreed, and the child grew to become her son. She named him Moses, which means "drawn out of water". We all know Moses grew up to deliver the Israelites out of the land of Egypt into the land of Canaan.

The story of these mothers mirror our mothers' love for us. They followed God's will, and was able to raise two of the most important people to the Jewish nation: Their founder, Jacob, in whom his twelve sons became the foundation of the nation of Israel, and Moses, who delivered them out of the bondage of Egypt towards Canaan. Some of us may argue about them, saying Rebekah used deceit in getting Isaac to bless Jacob instead of Esau, but that is not the case

In Genesis 25:22-23, " And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord." " And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger." Also when Jacob was born, he was holding Esau's heel. She followed God's will.

Pharaoh's daughter just has a very short mention in the bible, but her compassion toward Moses gave the Israelites a savior. She became his foster mother, and Moses became the second Israelite to be at the service of Egypt, the first being Joseph.

In closing, all mothers should follow God's will for their children. They should ask God for guidance in raising their children. We may never know, that the child you raised today will be used by God to preach his gospel to sinners, converting them back to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!!!

May Jesus Bless You,

OCTOBER 18,2016  


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sarah, Hagar and Mary (Earthly mother of Jesus Christ)

Hi! Welcome to my next blog which I focus on the different women of the bible. The purpose of this blog is to examine the different roles of women in the bible. Again, this is based on my own personal view and with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I know most of you will say that I should have started  with Eve, but I felt compelled that I start with these two women (or three). Why you ask? Because there is a contrast between these two women. Again, my comparison here is with the biblical Mary. Also, I will try and use the bible in this contrast. Lastly, how does this apply to us. I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that he opens your eyes to this truth.

Let's start with the first women in this topic: Sarah. In Genesis Chapter 16, Sarai (still her name at that time) bare her husband Abram (who will become Abraham) no children. Thus she suggested that his husband go into her handmaid, Hagar, an Egyptian slave, to have children. When Hagar got pregnant, Sarai was despised in her eyes. So she sent her away, but an angel of the Lord told her that she would need to go back and submit herself to her mistress. In Chapter 18, as Abraham stood in his tent when 3 strangers came by to his place. He begged for them to stay, wash their feet and eat the food prepared by him. When one of the strangers asked where his wife is, Abraham told him in the tent. One of the strangers told him that during the appointed time that he returns that Sarah will have a son. She heard this but she did not believe it, because she and her husband are already old. She laughed at the news. The Lord then said why is she laughing, that what is impossible for man is possible with the Lord. She then denied that she laughed for she is afraid. True enough, Sarah bore Isaac at her old age. Isaac had sons, Jacob and Esau, and with Jacob's 12 sons the nation of Israel was established.

Let us then look at the other woman in the bible: Mary. In Luke 1:23-38, it tells the story of how the Angel of the Lord came to a virgin espoused to a man from the House of David which is Mary. The Angel of the Lord told her that she will be pregnant with the Holy Spirit and will bring forth a son, and will call him Jesus. The Angel also told him that he will be the Son of Man, and that God will give him the throne of his father David. He will also rule in the house of Jacob forever. Mary was surprised by this news, but the Angel also informed her that her cousin Elizabeth will have a child in her old age. The Angel also told him that nothing is impossible. Mary's reply was "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word".   

How does situation apply to us? Sarah took matters into her own hands when she didn't have children. She didn't wait for God's promise. When she heard that she will have a child at an old age, what did she do? She laughed. She didn't believe in God's promise. Because of this mistake, we now have one of the most lasting conflicts between the Arabs (Ishmaelites) and the Israelites (Jacob). Mary on the other hand took the news first with fear, but after hearing the Angel of the Lord speak, accepted it with gladness. Her child grew up to be our Lord Jesus Christ, who after dying on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, rose up again and ascended into Heaven. Soon he will return to rule as King and the last judge of this generation. For me, Sarah and Mary are both great women, but Mary had more faith in the Lord's word and was an obedient servant. Again, this is not written to bring Mary's reputation up over Sarah, but a reminder to us believers one thing: With man it is impossible, but for God all is possible.

God gave us our little Angel Pia after 6 years of marriage. I was already 41 years old when we had her. Just like Sarah, we prayed to saints to have children (we were Catholic before), but to no fruition. We even gave up and just said that it's just fine if it's just the two of us. Then God gave us our little Angel. She is going to be 2 years old now, full of energy and smiles. We should have trusted in the lord more at that time and not do things our way.

In closing, we should all be handmaids of the Lord, willing to follow his will like Mary did. She in fact remained a servant of the Lord, a picture that will always remain with me (not that Queen of Heaven image), becoming one of the saints in the end of her life. Like they say," Not my will but thine be done".

May Jesus Bless You


October 6,2016