Tuesday, January 17, 2017


I pray that you are able to read this series of mine. Again there are still more women in the bible that I wasn't able to cover. I know that most of us are reminded of their of their love, courage and devotion to the Lord. I am happy to have written this blog for you, my brothers and sisters in faith.

It also took me a long time to finish this due to physical fatigue. I have less workload in the office thus was able to write and finish it. My apologies to all of you.

I will be starting a new blog. Two new blogs actually. The first one deals with topics that I like to talk about. So it's more of a freewheeling blog.From some conspiracy theories to some things and then some. I will leave a link later. The next one is BBS-which stands for Basic Bible Study. I will try and post topics for bible study time. This will further help the readers to have that time with the Lord. Having a bible study will cultivate your love for the Word of God, and enrich you.

Thank you so much.



JANUARY 17,2017      

The Women of Revelation

The Woman Clothed with the Sun and The Whore of Babylon

Women have been in the bible since Eve was first mentioned in the Book of Genesis. In the last book of the bible, two women appeared in it's pages. Note that they are not physical women, but like every thing in the Book of Revelation it is a symbolization.

I actually did a lot of research, and asked the Holy Spirit to guide me as I give you this information. I am not in any way trying to offend someone, but rather that this blog enlightens those that can read it. Again, I pray to the Holy Spirit to guide your hearts and minds as I try to present this topic to you.

In Revelation Chapter 12, we can read about the Woman Clothed with the Sun. She is also described as having a crown of 12 stars on her head and the moon under her feet. She is about to give birth, and the Great Dragon was waiting to devour her offspring. She brought for a son, and he is carried away to his Father's throne, while the woman escapes in the wilderness. There is a great war in Heaven, and the Great dragon was cast down to the Earth. Here he pursues the woman, but she was given wings to escape him. He tries to drown her, but the Earth helped her. He then proceeds to make war with the remnant of her seed. 

In Revelation Chapter 17, we can read about the Whore of Babylon. She is described as a woman that rides a scarlet colored beast, arrayed in purple and scarlet and decked with precious jewels and having a golden cup in her hands full of abominations and filthiness. On her forehead reads "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."  It was also said that she is drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Christ. We also will read that in the succeeding chapter she will be destroyed.   

Here's where the wisdom of the Holy Spirit comes in. Here we have two women: one mother in labor and one harlot. One decides to give birth while the other one is drunk with the blood of believers. Here's my interpretation: (again this is based upon my research and wisdom of the Holy Spirit). When we talk of mother as a symbol, what comes into mind: A COUNTRY. Yes, we are told to love our motherland. Thus, what does the first woman symbolize: a country with 12 major divisions. The twelve stars represent the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The moon and the sun represents God's glory in them. Thus, the woman is none other than the Nation of Israel, in whose seed brings forth the savior Jesus Christ. The devil wants his destruction, thus she flees. The devil's ultimate goal is to destroy God's chosen people. Thus he wars with her seed until now. Take note that it is not a real woman ( I know Catholics say that she is none other than Mary, Jesus earthly mother). Again, it is not to be taken literally. Let him that hath wisdom understand. Now, the Harlot. A harlot is a woman who has sexual dealings with more than one man in exchange for money. She also sits on a hideous beast. She is said to be that great city which reigned on the whole earth. She was decked in very luxurious items, thus we can say that this is a rich city. Also, in her hand was cup full of abominations and filthiness, meaning that she will commit immoral things. She is not hiding it, for her forehead says it all. She is also drunken with the blood of saints. If Israel is the first woman, then the second woman is...ROME. I hate to say it, but Rome seats the Roman Catholic religion. Her harlotry when she meets with other leaders of other religions (the ecumenical movement), her acceptance of other doctrines other than what is told in the bible, her religious practices that make people move away from the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ, her idolatries, perversions not to mention her riches, her influence. She has also persecuted a lot of Christians, real Christians. She replaces them false people whom she ordains. Truly, she will have her judgement. Let wisdom prevail her brothers and sisters.

This is my last entry. Truly, this was a very exhausting topic because I need not to rely on my own understanding but God's. Please read this with an open mind. Thank you and have a very blessed day. Let us march forth towards Jesus Christ!!!



JANUARY 17,2017


Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Jesus and the woman at the well. 

The story of  Jesus and the Samaritan woman can only be found in the Gospel of John. In Chapter 4, Jesus stayed in Jacob's well. As a Samaritan woman was drawing water, Jesus asked her if she can have a drink of water. This started a conversation between Jesus and her. There were many topics that they conversed such as: 1.)  Why did she conversed with her, for Jews and Samaritans don't deal well with each other. 2.)  A conversation about water, a comparison to Jacob's well and Christ as the living water. 3.) Her real identity, regarding her husband (as Jesus has said she has already 5 husbands). 4.) About the place where to worship. 5.) About the identity of the Messiah.
(JOHN 4: 4-26)

When she knew that he was the Messiah, she left her jar and went about the town and told about Jesus. Many people in that place believed in him. (JOHN 4: 28-29,39-42).

The story of the Samaritan woman shows that Jesus does not choose whom he will save. The people of Samaria has a different belief because of the division of the Kingdom of Israel ( 1 KINGS 12). Yet Jesus calls us near a well. The symbolizes the world, since those that drank of the water of the well will still thirst. In this world, we always thirst for money, power, etc. But Jesus Christ provides us with the living waters, (his word), so that we may never thirst, It will be "a well of water springing up into everlasting life" (JOHN 4:14).  This is his promise to us.

There is also the topic of worship. As the Samaritan woman said that they worship in the mountains but the Jews said that they worship in Jerusalem. Jesus replied that they know not what they worship but the Jews do, for theirs is salvation. Jesus then told her that there will come a time that the Father will be worshiped in Spirit and Truth, because the Father is a Spirit. (JOHN 4: 20-24). This means that the Samaritans worshiped in the mountains as their custom (again a practice given by King Jeroboam, their first king) while the Jews worshiped in Jerusalem (the Temple). Jesus message for us here is that there will come a time that we will not worship the Lord in a physical place, but more in a spiritual nature. The mere fact that she was called by Jesus meant that she is going to know of this. And when she believe what he said, she called the people in Samaria, and many believed him.

We are like the Samaritan woman. We are all bound by traditions or things of this world. We go about our life on a daily basis. Eat, sleep, work, have fun, etc.  But God calls us to offer him a drink. In return he will give us living waters. These living waters will not only quench our thirst, but will flow within us, spring forth and overflowing. Why? So that others that thirst can also drink of it, and his thirst can be quenched. Have you drank of the living waters?



JANUARY 17,2017      

Monday, January 16, 2017

Queen Esther: Beauty and Courage

Queen Esther touching the scepter
In my last blog, I tackled about Queen Jezebel, the wicked queen from the Kingdom of Israel. Now, I will then talk about Queen Esther, and how she is very much the opposite of Queen Jezebel.

I will not go much into detail in the life of Queen Esther. Her story is found in the Book of Esther, which details her life from being a common woman to a queen. As queen, she saved the life of her adopted father, Mordecai, and her people. As well know, Esther was a Jewish woman who lived in Shusan. She and her people were carried off by the Babylonians during the reign of the Kings of Judah. Through her courage, she was able to save his adopted father Mordecai from being hang as well as his people from being slaughtered by their enemies by exposing the evil plots of Haman. A Feast, The Feast of Purim, was also established din her name. (ESTHER 1-10)

Esther did not just use her cunning and beauty to accomplish these things. She did what Queen Vashti, the King's first wife didn't do: submit to her husband. Even though she was queen, she still followed the law by touching her husband's scepter before she speaks. This shows her submission to him, thus she is highly favored by him.    

In the new testament, Paul's letter to the Ephesians show how wives should submit to their husbands:

Ephesians 5:22-33King James Version (KJV)
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
This does not give the husbands the right to violate the rights of their wives. But this shows the role that women were given by God. Just like Esther, the women should follow her husbands will, not because it is the law, but because she loves him. 
Finally in the Book of Proverbs, it shows the reward of a virtuous woman. Chapter 31, verse 28 reads: " Her children arise up, and  call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her". 

JANUARY 16,2017


Jezebel: The Evil Queen and the Spirit of Evil

Queen Jezebel of the Kingdom of Israel

The Bible is not only home for women of great courage and beauty. Throughout history, there were some evil women found in it's pages. Delilah, the harlot who betrayed Samson the judge of Israel is one of them. She used her charm to trick Samson into revealing the source of his great strength. But no woman is more wicked than Queen Jezebel. She is the wife of King Ahab, king of the Kingdom of Israel. She and her husband did evil in the sight of the Lord, instead worshiping Baal the False Idol.

She and her husband has always been in conflict with the only remaining prophet of the Lord, Elijah. Because of the sins of the people of Israel, there has been a drought in the Kingdom of Israel, Only Elijah, a widow and her son found favor before the Lord and lived through the drought. When Elijah won the contest on Mount Carmel to determine who is the real God, the drought ended.
(1 KINGS 17-18)

This displeased her, and she wished death upon Elijah ( 1 KINGS 19:2). Elijah escaped and was rescued by the Lord. She was also guilty of murder, as she plotted against Naboth and had him executed through treachery for refusing to sell his vineyard to King Ahab. There Elijah gave his prophesy against King Ahab and Queen Jezebel: namely that the dogs will lick his blood as the dogs licked the blood of Naboth, and Jezebel's body will be consumed by the dogs in the walls of Jezereel (1 KINGS 21). They both came true.

But years after her death, it seemed that her spirit lived on. There is an evil spirit named after her: the Jezebel Spirit. I have watched videos and read about it. It is an evil and dominating spirit. It wishes to dominate the man over the woman. Those possessed of this spirit are mostly women who are very strong willed. They do not want to be under the man but instead be above him. This is true as Jezebel subjugated her husband Ahab. She wants to be the one in control, and she will get what she wants to get what she wants no matter what. It is said that most women have this spirit in them, but they don't know it yet. It is a very dangerous spirit.

Brother and sisters in Christ, I am not being a sexist here. I myself had an encounter with the Jezebel spirit when me and my wife fought before we got saved. It was like she was not my wife, but a demon. she does not know what she is saying or doing. Only my prayers were able to bring her back. If you know somebody who has this spirit, pray for them. There is a video link to this topic:Spy Kitten: The Jezebel Spirit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUF2QymsERQ                



JANUARY 16,2017


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Deborah-Judge of Israel

Deborah and Barak

Before the monarchy came into Israel, they were ruled by people that were called Judges. They were people that were anointed by the Lord to be their protector. Since possessing the land of Canaan, the Israelites were told by God through Moses and Joshua not to worship foreign gods. But the Israelites didn't heed God's word and came to worship foreign gods   In turn, God gave them to be subject to foreign kingdoms. When they cry out to God, they were delivered out of the hand of their oppressors.

The most famous Judges of  Israel are Gideon and Samson. One from being a coward to redeeming his people and the other for his great feats of strength. The bible however, mentions of only one female Judge: Deborah.

When the Canaanite King Jabin, king of Hazor and Sisera his captain who oppressed the Israelites for twenty years, they cried out to the Lord God. Deborah, the wife of Lapidoth was a prophetess and the Judge of Israel at that time. The Israelites came to her for judgement. She then sent for Barak, son of Abinoam, to take ten thousand men from the children of the tribes of Napthali and Zebulun, and go to Mount Tabor. They will meet Sisera in the bank of the river Kishon. Barak only agreed if she will accompany them, and she did, but she told Barak that the victory over Sisera will be in the hands of a woman. Thus they went. Sisera and his chariots and men met Barak and his men in the Kishon river. God then delivered Sisera and his men to Barak, all of them falling by the sword, with only Sisera escaping,only to be killed by Jael, wife of Heber when he fled from the battlefield. The combined armies of Israel was able to subdue King Jabin, and thus peace reigned in the land for forty years.The Song of Deborah and Barak tells of such events.
Judges ( 4-5)

The story of Deborah shows that women have the capacity to lead and become leaders not just in times of peace but even in times of war. Leaders like Elizabeth I (England), Golda Meir (Israel) and Margaret Thatcher (UK) all lead their countries at the time they are at war. It just showed women can be like Deborah, who was granted victory by God and made the land peaceful for forty years. She is the only female judge. May this post remind us that it is not in gender but in his graces that we can do many great wonders.


NOVEMBER 10,2016                

Friday, November 4, 2016

Naomi and Ruth- A mother and her daughter-in-law

Naomi and Ruth

Let's face it. Our relationship with our in-laws are not always the best, Since they are relatives of your wife or husband, there are times that they don't go along well with us. There are points that the parents-in-law don't like their son or daughter in-law, resulting in a conflict and a rift in their relationship. Some argue that they only look after the general welfare of their own children, and not his or her better half. This is one of the most stained relationships that we have. I have to admit, me and my wife have our fair share of this.

But the Bible tells us one of the most beloved stories of in-laws: that of Naomi and her daughter-in-law, Ruth. Naomi,her husband Elimelech, and her sons, Mahlon and Chilion went to the Moab since there was famine in their land. Her husband died, and her two sons married Moabite women. They stayed in Moab for ten years. Then her sons died, leaving her with her daughters-in-law. Seeing nothing there for her in Moab, she decides to go back to her land.  She then told her daughters-in-law to go back to their families and find themselves a new husband. One of her daughters-in-law, Orpah, followed her command, and left her. But Ruth didn't and she told her this" Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me."
They return to Bethlehem, just in time for the beginning of the barley harvest. ( Ruth 1:1-22)

Ruth then gathers barley that is left behind in the field of Boaz. When his workmen tried to scold her, Boaz then came by and asked her about it. She ten told him about the situation with her and her mother-in-law. Boaz then asked her not to go to any other filed, and and get as much as she can. He also advised the workmen not to scold her. When she got back to her mother-in-law, she told her of his name and she recognized that she was their kinsman, by her husband Elimelech. Naomi was joyful of the news, and even told her of how she can be close to Boaz. So one night, as Boaz was drunk in the thresing floor Ruth came by and slept at his feet. When he awoke, he saw that Ruth was at his feet, and asked he a question, to which she replied "am Ruth thine handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman". Boaz acknowledged her as a kinsman and even gave her six measures barley to take to her mother-in-law. Then Boaz came to a kinsman, and told him if he was interested in purchasing the parcel of land of Naomi, wife of their kinsman Elimelech. He also told him that if he purchases the land he should also purchase Ruth, the Moabite woman and widow of the son of Naomi. Boaz's kinsman was interested in the land but not at Ruth, thus he let Boaz purchase the land as well. Boaz purchased the land and took Ruth as his wife. They had a son Obed, who Naomi placed in her bosom and became a nurse unto him. As we all know, Obed is King David's grandfather. ( Ruth 2-4 )

The story of Naomi and Ruth showed the kindness that was shown by a daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law. Though not related by blood, she took care of her and resided by her side. This made me reflect my own relationship with my parents-in-law. I was never a different person from them. Though there were times that I didn't think very well of them, they never did the same for me, treating me like their very own son. I pray to God for forgiveness for all the transgressions I did to them, and to them to forgive me as well. I can always remember how happy they were when our daughter Pia was born, that my mother-in-law carried her in her bosom as Naomi did.          

This piece of the blog is written to my dear parents-in law: Nestor Espiritu and Jocelyn Espiritu. Thank you for all that you have done for me and my family. I will pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to increase your grandchildren, and give you a longer life to see your grandchildren grow. As you both grow old, I promise you that my household shall take care of you. This I swear by the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.